We at Steele Consulting love to create quality custom software for our clients, but the reason this company even began goes deeper than software. We wanted Steele Consulting to be closely involved with loving people — service comes from the same heart, whether it’s software development or community service.
Recently, we teamed up with several other companies and volunteers to replace the roof for the West family here in El Paso, Texas. The Wests had been dealing with roof leaks for a while, but the record-breaking rainfall caused even more damage and the family was forced to begin the repair process. After getting some quotes, the family realized they could not afford it — and insurance denied any financial support to the Wests.
So what did we do? Well, it wasn’t what we did, but what we did alongside other selfless companies in the area. We partnered with other companies and volunteers to replace the Wests’ roof. MTZ Electric, Responsive Learning, Reef Coaching and Desert Rain Church joined us in covering material costs and replacing the rotten parts of the roof, installing new plywood underlayment, and adding top-of-the-line shingles. From 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. we would work on the roof, and some amazing volunteers stepped up to provide meals. Sixteen workers and 7 days later, the roof was complete. Because of all the planning and work the team did, that roof will last the Wests 30 years.
Telling the story of the West roof project begs the question: why would a software company go to the trouble of replacing someone’s roof? Indeed, that’s a valid question, but the answer is simple: it’s for the same reason we create software for people.
Our goal at Steele for the past 20 years has been to make a difference in people’s lives wherever possible, and custom software development allows us to do that! Our solutions allow companies to streamline different areas of their work, and it can ultimately allow them to get home to their families sooner each day. We meet needs with our software.
But why should we only meet the needs of people who need software? We decided we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to serve our community by helping provide a new roof for this family. Though being able to serve a community member is a reward in itself, the West roof project was great for us internally, as well. This project got us out of our offices to connect with each other and our neighbors in a much deeper way than we normally would. We had the chance to make connections with companies we wouldn’t normally connect with.
And hopefully, our service outside the software realm doesn’t end here. No matter what, we want to do work we’re proud of, but we see ourselves mentoring, volunteering in schools, providing internships, and offering training in addition to community service.
But, that’s just our take. What did some other people say about the experience?
“One thing that stood out was how much planning, research, and work Greg, Deanna, Jacob and David West did,” said Thomas Perez. “Because of the prior planning, we were able to focus on meticulous execution in order for the roof to last 30 years.”

“There’s nothing better than working for and with companies who would support one of their own in a time of need and open that experience up to the whole of the company’s employees,” said Responsive Learning’s Shane Knerl. “It built community and camaraderie. No other place I have ever worked for/with has ever done that. Nowhere near to the extent we did.”
This project was really important for us at Steele. Especially during such a difficult experience with COVID, and now with many offices remaining fully remote, the opportunities to connect and serve have slimmed significantly. We got to see one another working and sacrificing in a place we never have before: on top of someone’s roof. What the roofing team accomplished that week reminded us of the good that comes when we come together. This is our city. If we don’t take care of each other, who will?